
Finding resources can be an obstacle to making a lesson happen. We have developed an Education section that contains a number of resources and links to help you. The pages includes a number of websites that we have summarised for you. Some sites include lesson plans and ideas, films and documentaries (suitable for various ages), games, activities and much more. We are also expanding our own resources too, to help you incorporate the Curriculum for Excellence in to your lessons. Go to the Education pages for more information.

You can also check out our Campaign Corner pages, which give details of any current campaigns you can get involved with.

On this page you’ll find information on the services we can offer your school; such as Tuck Shops and staffroom sales. If you’d like to learn more about the talks and workshops or other education related aspects of the work we do, visit our Education pages.

We work hard to make it easy for you to make your school a Fairtrade School. Rainbow Turtle works closely with schools throughout Renfrewshire to help provide our future generations with the message, ethics and activities of trading fairly.

Your school can support Renfrewshire’s status as a Fairtrade Zone. Fair Trade is committed to improving the lives of millions of people who live in poverty in developing countries. Renfrewshire council, organisations and volunteers worked hard together to achieve Fairtrade Zone status for Renfrewshire, awarded in 2009. A much larger campaign by Scottish Fair Trade resulted in Scotland gaining Fair Trade status in February 2013.

There are many opportunities for introducing Fair Trade into daily school life. Fair Trade can provide an excellent starting point for global citizenship in the curriculum. We are aiming to help schools develop cross-curricular activities over the coming months; allowing you to introduce Fair Trade, as well as the principles and issues behind it, across subject areas rather than as a side issue.

By participating in Fair Trade you will be contributing to the campaign and directly benefiting people in developing countries.

How can my school get involved?

  • Make your staff room a Fairtrade Zone.
  • Serve tea, coffee, chocolate, biscuits, juice, crafts, jewellery and other fairly traded products at various school events.
  • Set up tuck-shops selling fairly traded products.
  • Implement educational campaigns in your school, e.g. competitions, assemblies
  • Work towards Fairtrade School status.

Rainbow Turtle offers a wide variety of Fair Trade products and has different packages to suit your needs. We have a great range of Fair Trade food and drinks including, of course, the many varieties of Divine chocolate (and a wide selection of healthier Fair Trade options) as well as a colourful and interesting selection of fairly traded craft items that we can supply you with on a sale or return basis.

We can help:

  • Fair Trade Tuck Shops – We can help you set up a Fair Trade tuck-shop selling Fair Trade snacks at breaks and dinnertime.
  • Fair Trade Event Stalls – Provide a range of products for selling Fair Trade goods for a special event (e.g. Parents Night or PTA or fundraising event).
  • Fair Trade Talks – We can provide speakers to augment class lessons e.g. presenting Fair Trade games to pupils to help them think about some of the difficulties producers experience.
  • Staff-room services – We supply businesses with Fair Trade teas and coffees, Fair Trade staff room Snack Boxes, and Fair Trade Hampers as both Corporate and personal gifts; the same services are taken up by some schools. In making their staff room Fair Trade, they are one step closer to making their school Fairtrade!


If you wish to place an order please contact us at and we will send you our current price lists.

Schools and nurseries receive a 10% discount on all orders placed.

Resource Material:

For a full list of useful materials, lesson plans, films, organisations and contacts, go to our Education Section pages.

Contact us to get started

To arrange a talk, or to discuss fair trade and your school, go to our Education Contact page.

Or, Contact Us to place an order.